Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Okay, just in case you missed something, yesterday my agent and I decided that if I started an honest-to-God blog on a real blogging site, it might help me get "platform" (i.e. notoriety), thus making me more appealing to publishers. Basically, all we've been hearing for months now is, "Yeah, we like this Star Wars Ruined My Life, it's funny, this guy's got a good voice, but he's got no platform. Call us when he has platform."

So here I am, attempting to ride the blog wave to fame and fortune. So far, I'm feeling pretty confident.

All you die-hard fans of needn't worry; I shall continue to update it with classic James Greene, Jr. articles and interviews. It will also continue to be ground zero for the "Late Night with James Greene, Jr." movement.

Speaking of which, the "Late Night with James Greene, Jr." petition has been stalled at 41 signatures for a while now. I need to get out there and do some campaigning. I was just in New York; I should have spent a few hours hanging outside of 30 Rock with some leaflets. Hindsight is always 20/20.

I feel the need to point out that the title of every post this month will be the name of a Gluecifer song, in honor of the eleven rockin' years they gave us. Rest in peace, Gluece.

So, uh, yeah! Let the rise to fame begin! Any corporations or celebrities you guys think this blog needs to take down? I'm open to suggestions!


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